It is critical to the success of any assignment management program to have a process in place to deal with exceptions should they arise. Inhouse Mobility will work with the client during implementation to outline the appropriate way to manage policy exceptions and the process for exception approval.
Our Global Mobility Consultants will not unilaterally approve any exception outside of agreed discretionary limits, but would always seek approval from the appropriate client HR individual before authorizing any payments or requests that fall outside of policy.
If the inquiry from the assignee is for a service outside of the assigned policy and outside of Inhouse Mobility's agreed discretionary limits or one that might create an unwanted precedent, Inhouse will communicate the assignee's request to the client and request guidance.
Exceptions are reported for tracking and review. By tracking requested and approved exceptions made to policy, along with related costs, we can determine actual cost of exceptions to the organization, sorted by policy element and/or location, service stream or any other basis.
Such tracking can illustrate trends that might ultimately lead to policy modifications. The data provided makes all policy related decisions objective.